
Behind the Blog

My vision for this platform is to create a safe space where anyone can come to learn about wellness and mental health. Whether you are struggling, someone you know is struggling, or even if you’re just interested to know more about the topic.

I have gained an extensive amount of knowledge around the topic from personal experience, a vast amount of research, as well as through my education as a Functional Medicine Health Coach in training, my training in Functional Nutrition Counseling and my honours degree in psychology. That being said, I am committed to providing factual information that you can rely on.

I created this blog with my younger self in mind; a 15 year old girl who had just gotten a big diagnosis that she didn’t understand, and who had to brave the internet in search of answers. I know how daunting that search can be! My hope is that this blog will become a place where people like my 15 year old self can come to find easily accessible, accurate information, as well as some insight into what steps can be taken to ensure a better quality of life.

Finally, I want to remind you that a diagnosis doesn’t signify the end of your story, but the beginning of a new chapter filled with growth. There is always something you can do about it!